Where Can I Buy Hubcaps For My Car
Since hubcaps are attached to the wheel with either plastic or steel clips, plastic screws, or the same lug nuts that hold the wheel into place, they tend not to fall off on their own. Here are three common reasons hubcaps fall off:
where can i buy hubcaps for my car
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At Bavarian Body Works, we service many types of cars and carry a wide variety of parts. We can help you find a replacement hubcap or pick a new set that matches your budget as well as fits your make and model. Our first priority is always your safety, so we will ensure you pick properly fitting hubcaps and ensure they are correctly secured. Contact us today for more information.
I made the argument that it was too expensive, and that I didn't mind the look of a missing hubcap. I held my ground for a while, but he conspired against me and got a new one for me during an oil change. My father's argument is that it makes the car look ugly, cheap, poorly cared for and run down (which, consequently, sounds like one of Tom's cars!). I think it's too expensive, and view hubcaps as lacking a functional purpose that would warrant immediate replacement. We could then get into further discussion about cheapskate-ism, but for now I'd just like to know if there is a real need to replace a hubcap quickly, and is there a functional (not aesthetic) purpose of a hubcap?
TOM: The other function hubcaps can serve is to protect the wheel nuts and wheel bolts from getting rusty and corroded, which can make the nuts hard to remove someday when you have a flat tire and semis are speeding by your rear end at 80 mph.
Call us todayCustomer TestimonialsGot quick and excellent phone support when i had a question. Love the feature where you can text picture to ask question about the part. Part arrived third day in excellent packaging and genuine quality. Would recommend to anyone.
The two (2) hubcaps that I ordered for my Toyota Corolla on Saturday night arrived today (Tuesday). The hubcaps are in excellent condition. I am definitely going to recommend your company to my friends and acquaintances.
I wanted to drop you a quick note after getting off the phone with you thanking you for the service I received. I had contacted a number of places and was having no luck finding the OEM hubcaps. I fully expected you to say that you had the silver colored ones, but nothing else. Thanks for the quick response to email and the friendly phone conversation and also for not gouging me when you found out I was looking for the mocha colored ones. Some places might have added a few extra dollars to the price. I really appreciate it.
I received the hubcaps today. They fit very snug. An outstanding price! Outstanding delivery! I will be sure to let everyone I come in contact with know about your establishment and website. Getting those hubcaps really made my bad day ten times better.
You did it!! Thanks for a job beyond well done. The hubcaps arrived here at my office and they look terrific. I look forward to doing business with you in the future and to recommending your place to family and friends.
We at Hubcap Heaven and Wheels try to make shopping for hubcaps and wheels an easy, safe and secure experience. We have even created a page to assist you on ordering hubcaps and wheels online. Read more about us and our business philosophy here.
Installing new wheel covers, or hubcaps, on your vehicle can instantly change its appearance. Often, wheel covers can be installed without the use of any tools or even jacking up the vehicle. In some instances, you will need to remove the lug nuts from your wheels in order to install the wheel cover.
Sure, the car will still go just like it always has. But driving around sans hubcaps makes your car--and you, by extension--look sloppy. Sort of half-dressed. Like the kind of person who would leave home without a belt or earrings.
Some hubcaps are harder to track down than others. Among the most difficult to find are those for 1950s Chevrolets and old Cadillacs, says Rick Mefferd, owner of Hubcaps Only in Ontario. He estimates his inventory at more than a million pieces. Mefferd also sells online at
In the market for new wheels, you might hear about the discussion between hubcaps and rims. There are rims on every car that are made of metal and are where the tires go. They connect the tires to the car and help the car move. Rims used to be a slang word for wheels, and a car has wheels because it is a car.
Car owners hide the lug nuts with hubcaps. These lug nuts secure the wheel to the car. When exposed to moisture such as mud, water, or seawater, rust invades the nuts, affecting the fasteners and making the wheels loose.
By definition, the hubcap is meant to cover only the hub or center of the wheel. However, the hubcap can cover the whole wheel. Rims and hubcaps are used for very different things. The rim is there to hold the tire in place and keep it on the wheel. Lug nuts get rusty under the hubcap, and it can also catch them when they fall out. This is why you still see hubcaps on heavy-duty trucks. They keep dirt out and protect the wheel bearing. A hubcap can be just for show, too.
People put hubcaps on cars to keep the lug nuts from getting rusty and falling out. A lot of people use these to decorate the wheels of their cars. There are also rims that keep the tire in place on the wheel.
Many car owners mistake the rim with a hubcap. This usually occurs when looking for new wheels and a hubcap is suggested. The most widespread misperception is that hubcaps replace rims. That you can get a hubcap instead of a rim, which is wrong.
That ugly greasy naked wheel just ruined my morning, that day of discovery. And after the dismay came the denial. How could this have happened? Someone didn't come into the yard to steal just one. It had to have fallen off. Yet I'd only driven the car once the day before, a mere 2-mile jaunt to the library. Fine. I'd retrace my route. The hubcap would surely be along the roadside somewhere.
I went to a big-box store to replace my tires. They removed my hubcaps and placed them in my back seat. I did not notice until I was home. I am going back to have them added to my new wheels. Is there a reason why they would not put my hubcaps back on? Thank you. -- Pat
You would think he (or you) would have noticed the absence of the wheel covers, because the car looks pretty unfinished without them. But maybe he was daydreaming about finding a rare, first-edition 1963 AMC Rambler Shop Manual in a barn somewhere, and wasn't thinking straight?
Purchasing wheel covers or hubcaps can be daunting for some people who are not used to having to do it. People will have questions they need answered before they can make a decision. Below is one of the main questions a lot of people usually have, along with some additional information to help people in the purchasing process.
When you need hubcaps or wheel covers for your car sometimes you will not need to get a complete set. Sometimes you simply will not have the money to get a complete set even if you wanted to. So what is the route a lot of people choose to go in this case? Well a lot of people will find what they want, but then they will decide to only get one part. People figure one part is going to suite them just fine, but is this really true? Here are some reasons why this can be an issue.
ñGetting only one wheel cover might be a good thing for those who only need one, but how do you think this might look on your car? Maybe the other wheel covers or hubcaps you have are not going to look as nice as they once did. The new part might actually look out of place. So in this case you will be tempted to buy replacements for the remaining ones.
If your goal really is to buy just one hubcap or one wheel cover then there are some places that will sell them. You will just need to make sure you have some kind of recourse in case something goes wrong. Why is this you might ask? Well some dealers will guarantee an exact match for the other wheel covers and hubcaps you might have on your car. But how can they do this if you did not get the original set from them? Do you see where this is going?
A reputable dealer will never make such a promise. In fact they will make sure you know exactly what the risks are before you even decide to go this route. Honesty is what you are going to get when you get your wheel covers or hubcaps through Hubcaps Unlimited. They are a company that not only provides different styles and these products, but they can also be of great service in answering any questions you might have before you make a purchase. This is really going to help you, because there is a lot of competition out there and you never know who is on the up and up. With Hubcaps Unlimited this is not an issue.
We buy OEM overstock or excess wheels, discontinued OEM wheels, factory take-off wheels, used wheels and core wheels. In addition we purchase factory original hubcaps including classic and antique hubcaps, and OEM center caps. We purchase them from manufacturers, distributors, recyclers, dismantlers and individuals. No inventory is too large. This is just one way we are able to maintain one of the largest selections of OEM wheels and hubcaps for sale in the country!
Hubcap Haven Auto Wheel & Trim offers a full selection of OEM car, truck, and SUV wheels and rims. With access to millions of factory wheels, rims, hubcaps, center caps, and tire pressure monitors we are sure to have whatever you need for your vehicle. Get everything you need from the comfort of your home by ordering directly through our website. You can also easily reach out using our contact form by calling us at 877.482.4283.
When it comes to choosing who to get your next set of OEM wheels, rims, or hubcaps from. Hubcap Haven Auto, Wheel, & Trim should be your first and only stop. In addition to having over 40 of most popular OEM vehicle brands wheels, rims, and hubcaps in stock, we also have a full lineup of steel wheels & rims, reconditioned and replica wheels & rims, used wheels & rims, and even have wheel skins to fit your vehicle. Trust the experts at Hubcap Haven Auto, Wheel, & Trim today to help you get your car, van, truck, or SUV back on the road. 041b061a72