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Logan Williams
Logan Williams

Starbound List Of Weapons

Unique Weapons are specially designed weapons that are not procedurally generated, but have a fixed design - they will always have the same appearance, damage, fire speed, weapon tier and capabilities whenever they are found. The tag "Unique Weapon" is also given in-game to weapons that do not fit a typical weapon type (such as Assault Rifle or Broadsword) but there are many of these more typical weapons that are also Unique but do not carry the tag due to engine limitations.

starbound list of weapons

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Many Unique Weapons exist to meet the requirements of a Solarium-tier Pre-Order backer pledge, where the backer was entitled to design a weapon to be included in the final release. Not all Unique Weapons were conceived this way - some are special drops from Bosses and weapons crafted by a player have fixed stats. Also, some weapon types, such as whips and fist weapons are never procedurally generated and so are always Unique Weapons.

Due to design changes during development, some Unique Weapons have been removed from the game assets. These weapons have been omitted from this index. Also omitted are weapons that are only intended to be available to NPCs.

These can appear as Treasure in Chests and Reward Bags obtained anywhere on a Planet, so long as the chest or bag is the appropriate Tier. Many backer-designed weapons have stats equivalent or slightly better than procedurally generated Tier 6 equipment and so appear in Tier 6 chests and bags.

When chasing wanted criminals found on your Bounty Board, occasionally they or one of their Gang members will drop one of these weapons on death. These weapons are currently otherwise unobtainable, and cannot be upgraded. The criminal gangs you apprehend all seem to use similar weaponry not found in more reputable establishments and are all laser-based weapons, hence these weapons are referred to as Neo Laser Weapons or Black Market Arms interchangeably.

Sometimes, these criminals will instead drop a Gang Broadsword, which are procedurally generated weapons made with their own exclusive pool of weapon parts; a hybrid "Unique-Procedural" weapon type.

These weapons are either crafted by players or are obtained by trading ingredients to Treasured Trophies or Biggy's Reputable Weaponry, both of which are found at the Outpost. All crafting recipes available at Biggy's are upgrades to existing weapons and can be found very rarely as blueprints on high-tier worlds. Once learned, like any other blueprint, the character permanently gains the ability to craft that weapon upgrade. However, they must first find the base weapon as treasure somewhere on a planet; the base weapons are not craftable.

Some unique weapons exist in the game assets, but are not included in recipes or treasure pools, rendering them disabled and unobtainable through normal game play. They can be spawned into the game via admin commands. (Note: NPC-only weapons are out of scope of this section.)

Player-usable weapons are either procedurally generated or they're unique with a predetermined appearance and power level. Weapons used by NPCs may have a randomized appearance, but their stats are almost always predetermined.

Armor sets crafted as the game progresses have a power multiplier stat. The total is summed under and then applied as a flat damage multiplier on weapon base DPS. As a result players can improve their armor and not need to update their weapon as quickly since its damage will scale up. NPCs and their weapons do not benefit from armor bonuses - instead, they gain a damage bonus based on the Tier of planet on which they appear.

The amount of possible weapons in the game has not been calculated, but when ignoring the stats such as base DPS, damage per swing, and swing speed there are over 1,000,000 possibilities using the data available.

The weapon's damage is based on its Tier. The weapon will have the same Tier as the planet it is found on. Specifically, a weapons base damage is multiplied by its tier plus one, then divided by two, causing its damage to increase by 50% of its tier 1 base for each tier above 1. Armor bonuses (for players) or tier-based damage bonuses (for NPCs) are applied (along with other damage bonuses) to this total to calculate actual damage dealt by the weapon to opponents with no damage reduction.

Certain classes of weapons require a minimum planet tier before they can begin to appear as Treasure. Specifically, firearms other than pistols and machine pistols do not begin to appear until tier 2, and staves and wands only start appearing at tier 3.

Because Unique Weapons have fixed abilities and damage, they are assigned to one of three tier brackets. Low-tier unique weapons are only found on Low and Moderate threat planets, mid-tier unique weapons are only found on Risky and Dangerous threat planets, and high-tier unique weapons are only found on Extreme and Inconceivable threat planets.

Currently the highest available planet Tier is Tier 6. If you are looking for the most powerful weapons they appear only on Inconceivable threat level worlds and have 3.5x the weapon damage of weapons found on Tier 1 worlds. Not all Legendary weapons are Tier 6, however; you will be able to very rarely find Legendary weapons starting from Tier 2 worlds (or even Tier 1 worlds if you're lucky).

Currently, all Staves (Staffs) and Wands are Rare or Legendary - this is because procedurally generated Staves and Wands always inflict elemental damage and status effects with their main abilities, a privilege reserved for rare and legendary weapons.

Because of these quirks in weapon generation, you may find a generated Uncommon weapon more to your liking than a Legendary offering, depending on what you're looking for in your arsenal. Even two-handed common weapons can be worth keeping if they have abilities which you like better than those that come with higher-rarity two-handed weapons.

Uncommon and Rare weapons have an assigned elemental damage type. Some damage types are more effective against specific enemies than others, but weapons are never useless against certain enemies because of their element - fire-type enemies will still take damage from fire-type weapons. As of Version 1.2.0, enemies are all weak to a certain damage type and strong against another type - this increases or decreases the damage they take by 50%. You may find it useful to have several variants of a weapon that deal different types of damage for different enemies.

The secondary special attacks for rare and uncommon two handed weapons are shared by type. Only rare and legendary weapons will apply status effects with their primary attack, but all non-common two-handed weapons apply status effects with their special attacks.

Melee weapons are those used in close combat. They require that the player get close to their target so they can land attacks. They can be two handed, one handed, directional or non-directional as well as having a variety of elemental damage types.

One handed melee weapons include daggers, shortswords, fist weapons and axes. Because one handed weapons are dual wielded they don't have a secondary attack, but weapons with different types and effects can be combined to give players many options for combat. In particular, wielding two one-handed melee weapons at once often results in higher damage output than many two-handed melee weapons.

Compared to a Broadsword, the Shortsword has considerably less reach and damage, as well as no Special; however, its attacks are quicker, and it leaves the other hand empty for pairing it with a shield, tool or ranged weapon, or even dual-wielding for double the attack speed and a higher theoretical damage output than many two-handed melee weapons.

Unique among generated weapons, axes do not experience an increase in damage output per time when going from common to uncommon. Rather, they gain a reduction in windup time, trading in damage per hit for the ability to deal damage more often.

Fist weapons, designed to hit enemies at point-blank range, have the smallest hitbox of any weapon type. Fist weapons are unique in that they're the only one handed melee weapon with secondary attacks (in the form of finishers) - these finishers are only available when wielding two fist weapons at once. Fist weapons attack and combo in whatever direction the player is facing.

When duel wielded, fist weapons can 'combo' a finisher after three strikes. The finisher available depends on the fist weapon itself, and two different fist weapons can be worn at the same time to give players the ability to use either finisher, though the finisher used will be the one of the fist weapon that did not initiate the combo.

Two handed melee weapons include broadswords, hammers and spears. Because two handed weapons cannot be dual wielded they have a variety of secondary attacks to compensate. These attacks depend on the weapon type and the weapon rarity. Each type of common melee weapon has its own set of special abilities, and uncommon and rare versions have their own sets of special abilities which may overlap with the common ability pools.Two handed weapons do not use energy with their primary attack, but do consume it for most special attacks, so those attacks cannot be used continuously in combat.

Hammers (similarly to Axes) are unique because they require a 'wind up' before they'll attack. To swing a hammer the attack button must be held down until the hammer is fully raised - otherwise it will not swing. After winding up players can continue to hold the attack button to keep the hammer ready to attack, releasing only when they're ready to swing. The Hammer's long wind up time makes them slower to attack than other melee weapons, but they deal the most damage on each hit.

Ranged weapons are those used to deal damage from a distance in combat. Most require that the player be within line of sight of their target to deal damage. Although there's no ammo for ranged weapons, they do consume energy when used, and running out of energy will prevent these weapons from functioning until energy is fully replenished.


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